“This experience has given me the opportunity to see exactly which area of IT I want to pursue.”
At Conn3cted, we understand that choosing a career in the final years of high school can be a difficult and often unsettling process. To help make the choice easier and also encourage more recruits into the tech industry, Conn3cted have actively supported Work Experience programs by taking on students to get some hands-on experience in coding, completing tasks within set timeframes and working in a team environment.
Chris Nicholls of Sydney’s Bradfield College completed 120 hours of work experience with us last year. Chris already had exposure to the tech industry through Bradfield’s involvement in the Vivid Sydney festival as well as completing work experience at the Academy of Interactive Entertainment, where he learnt a lot about the games industry.
Chris’s main motivation behind choosing an internship in tech was so that he could further himself in the industry. Upon starting, our CIO Kelly Lamborn was impressed with his willingness to learn and can do attitude. During his time, Chris learnt skills that can be applied to web and app development.
“This experience has given me the opportunity to see exactly which area of IT I want to pursue.”
-Chris Nicholls

If you are interested in completing work experience at Conn3cted, contact us at info@conn3cted.com.
Conn3cted are a digital technology agency that create beautifully designed digital products with a clear focus on a better customer experience.