On Wednesday 26th & Thursday 27th July, Conn3cted attended the Online Retailer Conference and eCommerce Expo as the official app sponsor.
During the two day event, leaders in the eCommerce industry and organisations discussed and exhibited current and upcoming trends that businesses could adopt to make selling online easier, as well as tech products consumers can look forward to that will improve their online shopping experiences.
Mobile App
Online Retailer used our feature packed Mobile Events app to enhance the way speakers and attendees experienced the event.
Attendees could view and check into sessions, enabling them to ask speakers a question and provide a rating. Attendees got the most out of sessions by having extensive information on speakers, sponsors and exhibitors at their fingertips. They also kept up with the live tweets through the LiveFeed feature.

Selfie App
Our marketing executive Matija got to put her pouting skills into practice with our branded selfie app. Delegates took selfies with Matija and other members of the team that were then shared on our Twitter feed and event app LiveFeed. Check out some of the selfies from the two-day event!
Little Big Shop
Attendees got a taste of Little Big Shop (LBS), our no-fuss and easy to use eCommerce platform for small business owners that will be launching later this year. Judging by our conversations, everyone was a little excited about the prospect of a simple eCommerce platform!
We enjoyed being the app sponsor for the event and letting others know about our core areas of expertise. If you would like to speak to us about having an app for your next event, please contact us at info@conn3cted.com or call 1300 668 776.
Conn3cted are a digital technology agency that create beautifully designed digital products with a clear focus on a better customer experience.