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Want better ideas in a friendly team setting? Brainwriting is your go-to! 

Luckily, trying brainwriting for your next brainstorming session is super easy – and one of the favourites is the 6-3-5 method. Let’s see how it works, using some cool tools to help you out.

What’s Brainwriting 6-3-5?

Brainwriting 6-3-5 is a fun way to come up with ideas with your team. You get six people together, and each writes down three ideas silently. Then, you pass the paper around three times, adding to each other’s ideas. By the end, you have lots of cool ideas to pick from!

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How does it work?


Get ready: grab six people and give each a paper with six sections. Each section is for a different round of ideas.

Silent idea time: set a timer for five minutes. Everyone writes down three ideas in their first section. Remember, be creative!

Pass and add: after five minutes, pass the paper to the person next to you. Then, for the next three rounds, everyone gets three minutes to add to each other’s ideas.

Pick the best: when you’re done, look at all the ideas together. Talk about which ones you like best and which ones you want to use.

To make brainstorming more fun, try using some cool tools.

For instance, online boards like Miro or Trello let everyone write ideas together, even if you’re not in the same room. Mind mapping apps like MindMeister help you see your ideas better by turning them into pictures. Note apps like Evernote let everyone jot down ideas on their phones or computers, making it easy to share thoughts. Websites like IdeaFlip have great tools to help you write down and show your ideas on a big screen.

Applying brainwriting to software development ideas

To apply Brainwriting 6-3-5 to software development ideas, follow these steps tailored to your team’s needs:

  • Define the scope: before starting, make clear the area of focus. It could be a new feature, bug fixes, UI/UX improvements, or fresh project ideas.
  • Gather the team: assemble six team members with diverse expertise, such as developers, designers, and product managers, to ensure a well-rounded pool of ideas.
  • Silent brainstorming: during the initial five-minute phase, encourage each participant to write three ideas related to the defined scope. These ideas should focus on potential solutions, enhancements, or innovative concepts relevant to software development.
  • Collaborative enhancement: as the papers are passed around, each participant should build upon or refine the existing ideas, adding technical insights, potential implementation strategies, or identifying challenges and solutions. This iterative process ensures a thorough evaluation and enhancement of each concept.
  • Evaluate and prioritise: once the rounds are complete, review all the generated ideas together. Discuss the feasibility, impact, and effort required for each idea. Prioritise the ideas based on their potential to improve the software, user experience, and alignment with project goals.

By integrating Brainwriting 6-3-5 into software development, teams can harness collective creativity and technical expertise, resulting in innovative and well-rounded solutions that drive project success.


Brainwriting is a super fun way to come up with great ideas as a team. And with these cool tools, it’s even easier! So, why not give it a try? Let your creativity flow and see what awesome ideas you can come up with together!

Conn3cted are a digital technology agency that create beautifully designed digital products with a clear focus on a better customer experience.