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Human-centric AI, revolution of data interaction, AI ecosystems and transformation of human-computer interaction with BCIs. These are the Top Tech Trends for 2024.

In the dynamic world of technology, 2024 marks a significant turning point. Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just a tool for humans—it’s evolving to be more human-like and indispensable in our daily lives. Enterprises that embrace this change will drive innovation forward, unlocking new possibilities and capabilities.

Join us as we explore this exciting frontier where AI enhances our experiences and propels us into a future full of promise.

The Top Technology Trends 2024 and the questions to consider:

  1. How is AI evolving in 2024 to become more human-centric, and why is this evolution significant for enterprises?
  2. How are generative AI chatbots like ChatGPT revolutionising the way we interact with data and information?
  3. What role do AI ecosystems play in reshaping business operations, and how can organisations ensure alignment with human values?
  4. How are brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) transforming human-computer interaction, and what potential do they hold for the future?
  5. What is AI TRiSM, and why is it crucial for enterprises deploying AI models?

Tech trends 2024: Human-Centric Technology

The main Top Technology Trend of 2024 is around the concept of human centric AI. Enterprises today are in a race to embrace human-centric technology, facing pivotal choices along the way. Leveraging generative AI and AI agent ecosystems offers unprecedented opportunities, but demands a comprehensive re-evaluation of core strategies and values.

As technology evolves to mimic human capabilities, the key lies in reinventing digital experiences to maximise human potential. The future belongs to those who can integrate advanced technology with human intelligence, fostering a landscape where enterprises thrive on the symbiotic relationship between humans and AI.


Tech Trend 1: reshaping knowledge interaction with AI

The traditional model of interacting with data through search engines is evolving into a more intuitive and conversational approach driven by generative AI chatbots. These AI assistants, exemplified by cutting-edge developments like ChatGPT, are revolutionising how we access and process information.

Generative AI chatbots surpass basic search result retrieval; they synthesise vast datasets, recall contextual nuances from past interactions, and offer personalised advice—transforming digital experiences into collaborative dialogues. Imagine every employee having access to an enterprise-level advisor, leveraging the collective intelligence of the organisation in real-time.

To harness this potential, businesses must rethink their technology strategies. A robust data foundation, including sophisticated knowledge graphs and agile data fabrics, becomes essential. Using large language models (LLMs) – like ChatGPT4 – requires careful customisation to specific areas or topics, providing employees with personalised and useful information.

However, deploying generative AI comes with inherent challenges like data privacy, model biases, and ensuring ethical use. Enterprises must implement robust oversight and security measures to uphold accuracy, fairness, and accountability in AI interactions.


Understanding and mitigating risks

As businesses explore the potential of LLM-advisors, understanding the associated risks is crucial.

One key risk is “hallucinations,” a common issue with large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3 or GPT-4. Hallucinations occur when these models produce outputs that sound correct but are actually wrong or nonsensical. The term refers to the generation of false or misleading information by the model.

Since LLMs are designed to provide answers with high confidence, they sometimes relay incorrect information confidently.

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Security implications

The proliferation of AI-driven technologies in gadgets presents several risks that need careful consideration:

  • Privacy and Data Security: AI gadgets collect and process large amounts of user data, raising concerns about privacy breaches and unauthorised data access.
  • Bias and Fairness: AI algorithms may exhibit biases inherited from training data, leading to unfair outcomes. Ensuring fairness in AI-driven gadgets is crucial to avoid discriminatory practices.
  • Reliability and Robustness: AI-driven gadgets must perform reliably and safely under various conditions. Errors and uncertainties in AI algorithms can pose risks, especially in critical applications like autonomous driving.
  • Ethical Use and Accountability: AI technologies raise ethical concerns regarding their appropriate use and accountability. Developers must adhere to ethical standards to minimise negative societal impacts.
  • Dependency and Human Interaction: Over-reliance on AI may reduce human control and autonomy. Balancing automation with human oversight is essential to maintaining control and accountability.
  • Regulatory and Legal Challenges: Rapid advancements in AI outpace regulatory frameworks. Establishing guidelines and standards for AI-driven gadgets is necessary to ensure safety and compliance.

This is a big responsibility: your company must ensure that your data remains secure while yielding high-confidence responses in your advisory services.

It’s an even bigger opportunity: without search providers mediating the exchange of information, companies can serve as a direct source of reliable insight and win back their customers’ trust.

Tech Trend 2: ecosystems for AI

AI is evolving from task-oriented assistance to autonomous agents capable of making independent, informed decisions.

The rise of AI agent ecosystems will transform how businesses operate by coordinating interconnected AI entities.

These AI agents will not only offer advice but also perform tasks for humans, enhancing workflows, boosting productivity, and changing human-machine interactions. However, this shift requires aligning technology and talent to ensure AI agents reflect human values and goals.

Preparing for this future involves fostering meaningful human-AI collaboration. Companies should enable employees to understand, trust, and work alongside AI systems, redefining workforce roles to complement autonomous agents effectively.

From a security standpoint, AI agent ecosystems need to provide transparency in their processes and decisions. Using a software bill of materials, similar to a detailed list of software components, can enhance understanding and monitoring of decision-making processes.

While AI agents and their applications are still in early development stages, many companies are exploring new autonomous AI frameworks.

Microsoft is developing TaskWeaver, an experimental tool that integrates with Large Language Models (LLMs) and various AI tools. Meanwhile, Rabbit is creating a model that learns and performs human actions on apps and services. Unlike ChatGPT, Rabbit OS is based on a “Large Action Model,” which can be best described as a universal controller for apps.

Tech Trend 3: Brain-Computer Interfaces

The convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) marks a significant frontier in communication and human-machine interaction. The human brain, often likened to a powerful computer, has intrigued researchers for decades.

Players like Neuralink, founded by Elon Musk, are leading the way with implantable devices that connect directly to brain cells. Their goal is to restore mobility for individuals with paralysis and explore treatments for neurodegenerative diseases.

Neuralink gained significant attention when it livestreamed a patient playing online chess using an implanted chip. This event showcased the groundbreaking potential of BCIs to transform human-computer interaction.

The demonstration revealed how individuals can interact with technology through brain signals, offering a glimpse into a future where BCIs could revolutionise communication and accessibility.

AI as a Partner — AI Trust, Risk and Security Management

AI trust, risk, and security management (AI TRiSM) is becoming increasingly critical as AI applications proliferate across enterprises. AI TRiSM includes governance, trustworthiness, fairness, reliability, transparency, and data protection to ensure that AI models and applications operate effectively and ethically.

The increased accessibility of AI has emphasized the importance of AI TRiSM , as unregulated AI models can result in negative consequences.


Key components of AI TRiSM include:

  1. Model Governance: Establishing controls and processes to manage AI models throughout their lifecycle, from development to deployment and beyond.
  2. Trustworthiness and Fairness: Ensuring AI models are reliable, fair, and free from biases that could result in discriminatory or inaccurate outcomes.
  3. Robustness and Reliability: Building AI models that perform consistently and reliably under various conditions, including monitoring for data drift and unintended outcomes.
  4. Transparency: Enhancing visibility into AI decision-making processes to understand how models arrive at their conclusions and ensuring accountability.
  5. Data Protection: Implementing measures to safeguard data used by AI models, addressing privacy concerns and compliance requirements.

Implementing strong governance frameworks, ethical guidelines, and technical standards for AI-driven devices is essential to address risks, ensure transparency, and foster continuous improvement.

Successful AI TRiSM (Trust, Risk, and Security Management) requires organisational focus, comprehensive tools, and clear policies for AI model access and usage.

In summary, integrating AI TRiSM practices is crucial for enterprises to manage AI deployments effectively. Robust governance, trust, and security measures ensure AI models achieve their intended outcomes while mitigating risks related to bias, data quality, and compliance. Organisations that embrace AI TRiSM will enhance decision-making accuracy and gain a competitive edge in the evolving AI landscape.

Preparing for the Future

Technology is evolving towards human-centric AI innovation. The Top Technology Trends for 2024 include:

  1. AI-Driven Knowledge Interaction: Generative chatbots like ChatGPT are transforming digital experiences into collaborative dialogues. Deploying AI requires addressing challenges such as data privacy and ethical use.
  2. AI Ecosystems: These are evolving to align technology with human values and goals, fostering meaningful human-AI collaboration.
  3. AI and Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs): Integration of AI with BCIs is opening new frontiers in communication and interaction, as demonstrated by pioneers like Neuralink.

At Conn3cted, we’re dedicated to helping organisations navigate these important trends and use human-centric AI to its fullest potential responsibly.

By promoting innovation and ethical practices, we empower businesses to succeed in 2024 and beyond, making sure that technology improves and enriches people’s lives.

Let’s work together toward a more connected, intelligent, and impactful future.

Conn3cted are a digital technology agency that create beautifully designed digital products with a clear focus on a better customer experience.